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  • info@iwnt.com

 Achieving the perfect score of audit plan in welding and nondestructive testing, the Deputy Prime Minister of Science and Technology
 Getting level “A” from scientific associations’ commission of Iran in 2009,2010,2011,2012,2013
 Selection of welding and nondestructive testing society as the best in compiling national standards, office of standards and industrial research of Isfahan, October 2008

 Publication of 102 journals, 11 books
 Holding 10 national conference, an international congress, an international conference, 100 educational seminars and 60 workshops
 Cooperation in compiling more than 150 national standards
 Providing 5 associative standards

 Compiling more than 80 pamphlets
 Member of founder’s union of material science and engineering society
 Cooperation in welding word selection academy of Persian Language and Literature Department