Conference Proceedings
All accepted and registered papers will be made available as on-line Conference Proceedings.
Conference Topics
- Additive Manufacturing Science/Technology
-Welding Metallurgy/Technology
-Brazing / Soldering / Lead-Free Solders
-Microstructure / Properties / Performance
- Simulation / Automation / Machin Learning
- Consumables / Equipment
- Training/Qualification/Certification/Standardization
Paper Submission
rospective authors are invited to submit full original researchpapers in electronic format according to the conference paper submission guidelines as set out at
Paper submission will be done electronically via the conference website ( ). Submissions are limited to 15 pages. All submissions will be refereed for quality, originality, and relevance by the Scientific Committee.The official languages of the conference are Farsi and English. Papers may be written in either language. Each accepted paper must be presented in a language conforming with that of the submission.
Submissions must not have been submitted to or published in another conference or journal before the review notification date of theconference. Accepted submissions may not bepublished in another conference or journal.
>>Articles in recipes English >>Poster Papers Format
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