Iranian Institute of Welding and Non Destructive Testing (IWNT) is honored to host the “5th International Conference on
Welding and Non Destructive Testing“ in cooperation with the Malek Ashtar University on March 1-2, 2023. It is one of
the leading international conferences for presenting novel and fundamental advances in the fields of welding science
and engineering and Non-Destructive Testing.
The conference aims at providing a forum for is for the scholars, engineers and students from the universities and
industries all around the world to present their ongoing research activities, share their latest scientific and technical
findings, exchange new ideas and application experiences, establish business or research relationships and find global
partners for future collaboration. Due to coronavirus pandemic, the conference will be held fully online.
Workshops,exhibitions and panel discussions as well as technical and photography competitions will be held by
intellectuals and experts in academia, industry and related organizations alongside the conference.
Conference topics include, but is not limited to:
- Additive Manufacturing Science/Technology
-Welding Metallurgy/Technology
-Brazing / Soldering / Lead-Free Solders
-Microstructure / Properties / Performance
- Simulation / Automation / Machin Learning
- Consumables / Equipment
- Training/Qualification/Certification/Standardization